Will you join us tonight?

We would love to see you tonight for a special guest!
Join us tonight from 6:30 to 8 at the South County Government building, Second Floor, Richmond Highway, Alexandria for the Monday CDM Confident Woman Workshop where Cindy will focus on the benefits of anticipation and Elder Curtis will wrap up our miniseries on discovering our God given purpose. Or join us LIVE on Facebook at 7:00! www.facebook.com/CindyDennisMinistries

Join us tonight from 6:30 to 8 at the South County Government building, Second Floor, Richmond Highway, Alexandria for the Monday CDM Confident Woman Workshop where Cindy will focus on the benefits of anticipation and Elder Curtis will wrap up our miniseries on discovering our God given purpose.

Growing up in southern California meant I never really knew winter. I would see the snow capped mountains in the distance if it happened to be a clear day and it was a reminder to me that winter was upon us, but I did not really know what winter felt like until we moved to the east coast.
I found winter on the east coast cold, and dark. There was always that chance we would have snow, freezing rain and chilly winds. I soon began to dread this time of year and the anticipation of another winter would begin to pull me further down with each passing year.
Thanks to God's help and assistance, I began to find ways to joyfully anticipate this time of year. He brought people in my life to teach me how to dress in layers, getting proper shoes, making sure I wear gloves, hat and scarf.
A few years ago God literally blessed my husband, Pat, and I with a wonderful Christian couple who happened to be living in the Washington, DC area on a short-term basis. Their home was actually in Florida, and we soon started going to Florida to stay with them for holidays or make it a long weekend get away. The warmer temperatures and sunny skies did wonders.
Over time, God challenged me to change my perspective. He prompted me to embrace the seasons and put my trust in Him, seeking His will in all I do and allowing Him to show me the paths to take." (see Proverbs 3:5-6). I am finding it easier to go with the flow as I put my hope and expectancy in Him. (See Psalm 39:7).
I told someone at church this weekend, I am choosing to enjoy each day, and each season. I mentioned how I love declaring Psalm 118:24 that says "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." I want to create an atmosphere of hope where anything is possible.
Last year, I found myself really enjoying the winter. That is surprising since that year we had a blizzard that dumped several inches of snow.
I saw this plaque recently that read, "Hope is confident expectation that God is going to do what He says He will do. Never give up. He's got it."
I am ready for each day, each moment, knowing God's got it. How about you?
Proverbs 10:28 that says "The hopes of the godly result in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing."

Cindy Dennis
Founder and Executive Director of Cindy Dennis Ministries

Join us LIVE every Monday during Confident Woman Workshop from 7PM to 8PM from our Cindy Dennis Ministries Facebook page. www.facebook.com/cindydennisministries

We are looking for some dedicated people that would love to underwrite CDM for future teaching and current events to reach more people with the message of Jesus! Please donate at: www.cindydennis.org

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