are our

-- Helen Hensley
"CDM has always had a heart for women to follow the Lord Jesus Christ using discipleship, nurturing, and loving on everyone."

"Let's Connect quarterly platform is my favorite event to learn and grow in Christ with others." --

Evelyne Mildenberg
"God's joy has returned in me and given me hope." --
We have been watching the Let's Connect Event develop over the years, however, this one hit every vision and more.
The topic was perfect for such a time as this: Pursuing Jesus. The speaker, Saba Fassil, exuded the life of Jesus Christ in her personal testimony and in her teaching, even when her daughter wanted attention. The Facilitator, Casey Sharperson, brought the fullness of their personal connection as friends as well as sisters in the Kingdom of God.
The audience was very attentive and engaged in the Q & A and the after fellowship was hard to let go. Yes, our moment was golden and one to reflect on and model as we grow in the spirit of love until we meet again.

-- Cindy Dennis
"CDM experience has blessed me beyond description as I see God move in creative and anointed ways through this ministry. It has been an amazing journey to see people from all walks of life come together to allow God to work in and through us to impact our community and beyond."

Shirley Herr
"Cindy Dennis Ministries has increased my faith." --

Catherine Hatfield
"Cindy Dennis Ministries has shown me people to love and know what makes me come out and enjoy myself." --

Mary Baylor
"For the short time that I have been with this ministry -- it has/is teaching me to get out and be more involved with the community to share the love of Jesus!" --
-- Liz Hardy
"The speaker at the fall Let's Connect was genuine, she spoke from her heart with her own words and experiences. A breath of fresh air. Not acting out of program but allowing the spirit to move in the room and God to do the work needed in that moment. A different perspective while staying in the spirit regardless of time. Totally enjoyed the session."

-- Anne Sellers
"The speaker had a word and fire in her belly at the fall Let's Connect event. I enjoyed her delivery, as well as her own testimony. Love is supernatural and God must show us how to love. We love through the love of God, it is a supernatural experience. You learn this in your personal walk as you request to hear, feel and see what God hears, feels and sees. That morning I was able to witness the love of God to a sister in Christ and show her repentance and God's love healed her. So the teaching from today's event confirmed it."
Lorraine Snyde
"Thank you for all the prayers and love. I love you so much. I really appreciate all you are doing to help us through the teaching and preaching." --

- Jessica Sims
"The Cindy Dennis Ministries has blessed me with compassion and friendship. Through the ups and downs of life, the ministry has given me a place to turn to and be comforted by. The Let's Connect events, ecards, and Facebook videos remind me of God's constant love through others." -

Cynthia Hatfield
"CDM has been a wonderful part of my life. It has allowed me to connect to so many different people. I will never regret being a part of the ministry." --

"This ministry is helping me to pursue Jesus, by speaking up about Jesus and don't be afraid." --
Gertrude Bailey
Dan Moon
"This ministry is the closest thing to church that I do now. I want to start going back to church on Sunday." --

Casey Sharperson
"Cindy Dennis Ministries has provided a space for connection with the community. I love having a space for evangelism and prayer consistently." --

Victoria Morrow
"CDM has helped me connect and love my neighbors in the community I live in." -- Victoria Morrow

Vanessa Green
Since meeting and joining this ministry, it has provided me with encouragement, connection, and building of confidence in this season of my life. I am very grateful to have met Cindy Dennis and those who serve with her. God really answers prayer." --
Connie Howell
"Every time I come out to a CDM event, I have been blessed." --

Laversa Hubbard
"Through CDM, I have learned God is a moving God and connecting with women of all races shows the Love of God!" --

-- Ethel Talley
"I am more confident, I get to use my giftings and meet some amazing women and men - Great fellowship, fun, and food. The events expose me to new experiences and new people."

Tashira Merritt
"I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with different women of God and hear their stories and glean from their testimonies of what God has done." --

- Betty Graves
"It is so good to see such a beautiful woman give her time and energy plus love to make us happy and to learn more about God." -
Warren Johnson
"The ministry has helped me think of the common problems that men and women share, but do not always discuss with each other. I would like to thank CDm for the open conversations that address the common needs that we all share. The love of God that is in the room proves to be most powerful at every gathering." --

My name is Arlene Allison. The Cindy Dennis Ministry has been a blessing to me personally. The love for God and the teachings of how we should live our lives as Christians has a huge impact.
Everyone involve in the ministry has been warm and truly show their love for Christ and others. My prayer is for this ministry to flourish even more and reach more lost souls for the kingdom of God.
It has been my pleasure to be apart of CDM for the past 12 years. Congratulations to you Cindy and your amazing volunteer staff for their faithful service. They made coming to Monday night bible study so enjoyable because of their pleasant attitude and warm welcome. In addition to the bible studies being enjoyable the information learned from them could be shared with others such as the women I've ministered to in Uganda.
The women here have been blessed by me sharing the material with them. The CDM prayers and financial support has been greatly appreciated here. The various events put on by the staff were always professionally done and people always looked forward to the next event. I liked the Birthday Bash where you recognized everyone's birthday on your birthday.
How CDM pulls in the entire community to come together as one has been an encouragement to me working with the community here in Jinja, Uganda. Thank you Cindy for the wonderful example you show of the representation of God's kingdom here on earth. A big congratulations for 12 years of dedicated service.
Hello Children of God from the United States of America.
Greetings from Uganda and thank you for your love for God and the Saints.
Allow me take this little to express my heart felt gratitude to Cindy Dennis Ministries for your steadfast commitment to building Hope, Dignity and Pride in the lives of God’s Children with emphasis on women.
I believe the year was 2013 when I had the opportunity to be invited to Minister in CDM by Sis Anne Sellers, Sis Tami J Franklin on the subject matter “DELIVERANCE”
This was such a very impactful opportunity for me to widen my research and understanding of deliverance on a global perspective. Coming from Africa, the demon manifestation is totally different from how demonic forces manifest in the developed world.
That particular time was such a blessing to me to be able to take time to study and understand a little more on demons, their manifestation and how one can be delivered. The study particularly revealed that some times demonic forces take shelter within our households and we don’t even know.
This study and the opportunity to share with the members present that day remains a memorable time and my life was greatly impacted on the other side.
Allow me also thank CDM for the financial seed that was planted up on me. The person of me that the Lord has raised, dates to moments like that and cannot be taken lightly; THANK YOU.
Once again I feel greatly honoured to be able to share a little bit of my experience with CDM and do hope that the Lord will order my feet one more time to join you all some time in the near future.
I remain your brother in the Kingdom,
Joseph Eletu (Rev.)
I started attending Cindy’s ministry over a decade ago in her home. I was looking for a setting and teaching on having an intimacy with Jesus.
Thousands of women of all ages have been touched and blessed by walking through this ministry and participating in events. The challenges and decisions that some of these women faced were horrendous. This ministry prayed, mentored and walked side by side with these women during these challenges in their lives.
A few attributes of this ministry that I participated in and enjoyed:
*Building Strong Women for God through bible studies
*Special Events/Dinners that make Women feel Special
*Great Speakers who were (Writers/Judges/Pastors, etc)
Cindy Dennis and her Team are faithful in the vision God has given this ministry. Leadership is important in a ministry and Cindy takes this role with a God inspired goal.
Though I retired a few years back and moved out of the area. I became a stronger woman as did many other women through Cindy Dennis Ministry.

My name is Diane and this was my first time attending Cindy Dennis Ministries today Saturday,
May 20, 2017. It empowered my spiritual growth and Vision in the Lord. I'm thankful for witnessing the beauty of the women empowerment classes, the love of Cindy Dennis, the meal, gifts, and sending Cindy Dennis Ministry to the Gumspring Community, South County Building and other various local area to enrich, seek, and up lift woman's spiritually.
I really was touch by the Arms and Arms ministry. Spiritually reaching out to the men who seek direction, renewal of the men who has been incarcerated that need orher men's to walk arm and arm.
LiQuisha Hall gave revelation to write the Vision and dreams down. You have to know who you are.
Cindy also have ministries for the children team enrichment.
Cindy has a outreach ministry sharing the love of the Lord, passing out phamplets etc.
I can go on and on there is much love and monetery gifts are accepted
Diane. F.

Cindy Dennis is a gifted teacher, prayer warrior, motivator, encourager and people-person. Her outgoing personality enables her to minister to all age groups. Because of her faithfulness, obedience and dedication to reach many souls for the Kingdom of God. Cindy stands on 1 Cor 15:58, “Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
Gerald M.

Cindy Dennis Ministries is an awesome ministry. While you are there you will get a true word from God, fellowshipping, and most of all prayer. God continue to grow the ministry in Jesus name. Amen. Love You Cindy, Liz Hardy.
Elizabeth. H.

Very warm, loving, welcoming, caring and sincere. Love the multi-cultural and multi-racial make-up of this ministry.
Pat D.

Antonio S.

I enjoy being amongst woman who have a heart for God and people. Thanks CDM for providing this platform to share the gospel.
Tami. F.

Amazing GOD. Amazing leader, Cindy Dennis. Amazing ministry.
Sulena M.

Cindy Dennis and all who attend her classes are simply the most amazing women I have ever met. Everyone is so helpful and you always feel so welcome. Cindy Dennis has the light of the Lord shining from her everytime you see her. Everyone is a prayer warrior, that's for sure because so many have been and still are praying for me. As busy as I know Cindy is, she even took her lunch hour and called me to pray and to check up. Sometimes I haven't even had my Pastors do that. This is a great bunch of women. Come check it out....you won't be sorry you did. Her workshops are amazing and her get together bashes are excellent. Have problems??? Bring them here and I can promise you that someone will help you in one way or another, especially the Lord. Cindy and her team have really gave me hope and have lifted me up in a pretty rough time going on in my life now (Dec. 2014). She still takes the time to email me or call when she can, but she is such a giving person. She's definetly the light of the world personified through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Vicki S.

Cindy,I can't tell you how much your ministry has touched my life and changed my relationship with the Lord. I'm still on my journey but I'm reading and meditating on His Word, praying and singing hymns for encouragement.Our fellowship is awesome and I thank God for using you to spread His love in this world. Often when I feel unworthy, I remember your positive spirit and I hold on and press on. You help me remember Whose I am.So even in this trial I'm in, I'm clinging onto his Word in Isaiah 41:13 " For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee."Just wanted to say thank you for all you do, all the sacrifices you make to tend to the needs of the fellowship members ( sickness, bereavement, etc.), for your time but most of all for your love.Blessings,Deborah
Diane W.

Thank you Cindy for another Monday night of excellent teaching. There's nothing like finding your place in God's plan. I look forward to the Monday night Bible study and fellowship
Donna F.

My favorite thing about Cindy Dennis Ministries is the caring people. Every time that I come to an event, I usually receive a hug within the first few minutes. I love how everyone works as a team toward a common goal and at the end of the day; people are loved and told about Jesus. I love how the leadership thinks about the little important details, like: people's birthdays and other holidays that women might feel left out of. Valentine's Day, the Christmas event and the annual Birthday bash are good examples of thinking about the individual needs of the people that come to Cindy Dennis Ministries. I have been blessed to see the ministry grow through the years and I can't wait to see what great things they do for God in the future!
Christal M.

use info@cindydennis.org
to give


use info@cindydennis.org
to give

Cindy Dennis
P.O. Box 8345
Alexandria, VA 22306