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Cindy Dennis

Executive Director

We are in a spiritual war

The question is not whether or not we will be engaged in a spiritual war. That ship has already sailed. The question is, will we win or lose in this spiritual war? Will we advance or retreat? Will we gain ground or lose ground? There are no other alternatives. If you belong to Jesus Christ, you can’t sit this battle out. You can’t choose to be a pacifist—or you will find yourself crushed on the battlefield.

The devil isn’t happy about you turning to Christ, and he isn’t going to take this lying down. He will do everything he can to trip you up, discourage you, or defeat you on this battlefield. Anyone who chooses to be on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ will face severe opposition from Satan and his followers—the legions of demons under his command.

Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily-armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil. AMP


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