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Cindy Dennis

Executive Director

a New Way of Living

A New Way of Living

This past weekend, I enjoyed hanging out with my daughter, Christal, for a fun trip to

Manhattan, New York. What a treat it was to spend one on one time with her especially since

we hadn’t done so since well before she was married over eleven years ago.

We had so much fun going to some museums, enjoying a Broadway show, and taking in all the surroundings.

It was not uncommon to have walked over ten miles in a day though that was partly due to the

fact we got turned around on a number of occasions and lost track of how far we can gone out

of our way. You might be thinking, didn’t you have a map or use your GPS.

We definitely had both, but being in a new place, we got to taking in the scenery around us and totally forgot the charted path we were planning to follow. Then when we looked at our map, we found out that we had gone blocks beyond the turn we should have taken, or had started out in the wrong direction at the very start.

In life it is easy to get going in the wrong direction, even after you make Jesus the Lord of your

life. We are charting new territory each and every day and we can be easily distracted along the

way. Just as we had the tools to chart our destination in New York, but failed miserably to stay

on course, I believe we fail to work with God; we fail to seek the plans He has for us; and we fail

to follow His leading and stay on course.

God promises to give us a lantern and compass, plus give me a map, so we can find our way to

Him (see Psalm 43:3). By meditating on His Word, we renew our mind and it teaches us how

we can think about God, life, ourselves, and other people in entirely new way (see Romans

12:2). God promises to do amazing things in our life if we will believe it and His Word will help

us get to where we’re going and experience success along the way. Joshua 1:8 VOICE reminds

us to:

Let the words from the book of the law be always on your lips. Meditate on them day and night
so that you may be careful to live by all that is written in it. If you do, as you make your way
through this world, you will prosper and always find success.

God’s Word is filled with promises for those who act on what He says to do, and these promises

are for everyone who believes and puts their trust in Him. His Word reminds us God has a

destiny for us to fulfill (see Ephesians 2:10) and by His power at work within us, He is able to do

far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest

prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes (see Ephesians 3:20).

Like many of you, I found that living on purpose with God takes discipline and determination to

stay on course. I have seen value in mentors who can encourage me along the way and it if for

that reason we have launched On Purpose an organization dedicated to helping professional

women discover and activate their God given purpose with passion through workshops and


Maybe you or someone you know will benefit from attending the On Purpose Mastermind Event

on April 6, 2019. We have a few more tickets available and we would love to have you

participate. Register by going to Come hear from

entrepreneur Kenya Bryant The Oven: A Women's Vision Incubator, feel empowered with

amazing workshops and discussion, plus meet other amazing faithful women in the DC area,

On Purpose Mastermind Event

Potomac Conference Center

66 Canal Center, Plaza Suite 606

Alexandria, VA 22314

Saturday April 6, 2019

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

I hope to see you,



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