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Cindy Dennis

Executive Director


New Summer Series “Let God Fight Your Battles” begins in July

Leave your fear behind and develop a life-changing sense of confidence as you let God fight your battles for you.

“Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged … for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15

6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

South County Government Building, 2nd Floor

8350 Richmond Highway, Alexandria

Lending Library, Fellowship & Prayer available until 9 PM Using book by Joyce Meyer “Let God Fight Your Battles: Being Peaceful in the Storm” Book by Joyce Meyer

Join us LIVE every Monday during Confident Woman Workshop from 7PM to 8PM from our Cindy Dennis Ministries Facebook page.

There will be NO Confident Woman Workshop on Monday, September 3rd.


We are looking for some dedicated people that would love to underwrite CDM for future teaching and current events to reach more people with the message of Jesus! Please donate at:

Please be social with us!


I have moved over 25 times in my life. My dad was in the Air Force for 21 years. Before that, he was in the Naval reserves and before that, the Marines.

But no matter how many times we moved, my mom always found a way to take us to church. We could have spent the entire 2 years stationed at a particular base looking for the "perfect" one. But after looking at the closest church in the phonebook, we showed up, and signed up to volunteer. I know one thing that my mom always taught me was "bloom where you're planted." And so every church that we went to, we just started serving from week one


For us, church wasn't about the message, or how good the preacher was, or if the worship was the "best" worship we've ever heard. We were just there to get our hands dirty and to serve the body of Christ in whatever way they needed.


I remember at one church, they didn't have any children's ministry. At the time, my brother was 11 and I was 9. Instead of complaining and looking for another church, my mom decided to start one.

At first, they were really hesitant because they didn't think any parents would really get into it (it was the 90's). So they let her start her children's ministry service on the smaller time slot on Sunday night. But then so many kids showed up (over 300 hundred in 2 months), that they bumped her to the prime time during Sunday morning. By the time that we left that church in two years, my mom was honored in front of the whole church (over 1,500 people) for her service to the kids.


I honestly don't understand how people can say "I can't go to church because I don't like the preaching," or "I don't like that church because I don't like the music." Because for me it's not about that, and never has been.

Church has always been about using my gifts and talents to better the community and the body of Christ. For me, it's not about "getting fed" in church, it's about serving your family.


I get energized from serving. I don't get "drained" or "burnt out" from cleaning, organizing the rooms or serving snacks, or watching children.

I could do it every-single Sunday. Do I get tired? Sure. But I just get such a thrill about helping children know about God. I absolutely love serving in the Church because every little thing I do- no matter how small or how large is helping the body do what's it's meant to do- bring people to Jesus.

I am constantly thinking of ways to make the building more hospitable or attractive. Because the more that we take care of the building, the better experience that people have inside. It's just about taking care of God's house and God's people.


I remember as me and my family were walking and hiking in the woods, we started seeing all of these markings on trees. And as we were hiking through the woods I saw more and more markings. I remembered that somebody- a trailblazer- had to lay the path down for us to hike. That trailblazer had to go in the woods and lay down the logs. They had to brush the path open and clear the path and mark it for other people to follow.

Isaiah 40:3 says, "In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God." It Kinda reminds me of our job as Christians. We are not just supposed to watch in the game of life. We are not just supposed to warm a pew in the church and get "fed" spiritually through the "best worship." We aren't just supposed to "sit back, relax and enjoy the show."

We're supposed to be in the game. We're supposed be get dirty. We're supposed to be serving. We're supposed to be a trailblazer-marking the trail for someone else.

I was listening to the radio the other day and they had a quote from Charles Spurgeon. Even though I don't know the exact quote of what he said, but the basic gist was: "Christians think that following Jesus is about 'butterflies' but it's really about being Eagles."


That phrase really stuck with me and really touched everything that I believe about living for Jesus.

Christianity is not about a feeling that we get when we hear a good song. It's not about that message that we hear that really "touches" our spirit. Even though those things are awesome sometimes, but for me, living the Jesus-life is not about a feeling- it's about rising up as leaders. It's about being a trailblazer- pioneering something new. It's about reaching out and going above-and-beyond the call of duty. The eagle is not just a majestic bird, it's a symbol of leadership. Because a leader is sometimes lonely. A leader might seem that they are all alone and that they're isolated. Sometimes, the Christian life can be like that. Sometimes, it's lonely to follow Jesus. Sometimes nobody seems to understand us. That's because living for Jesus is the hardest thing you can ever do in your life.


So if you're not serving in the church, and you keep hopping from church-to-church, thinking that you're going to find the "perfect place" to satisfy yourself- just know that your ideal "church" might not exist.

Church was meant to be a place of fellowship, of prayer, of community and serving the family of God.


Be a trailblazer and an eagle, don't just chase "butterflies."


Guest Blogger:

Christal Marshall

CDM Board Member

Friday afternoon, my husband and I left town for a wedding celebration of a dear friend. The sky was blue, sun was shining, and there were just a few fluffy white clouds in the sky when the plane landed. It looked like the perfect weather for an outdoor wedding.

By the time we took the shuttle from the airport terminal to get to the car rental location, the weather made an expected turn. The sky was completely full of dark clouds with high gusts of wind. Suddenly a downpour of rain came. It was literally falling horizontally from the strong winds.

We stayed indoors and watched this 20-minute downpour that made visibility impossible for driving. Then as quickly as the storm came in, it left. The sky began to clear up and the winds died down. Other than puddles on the road, you would never suspect that just moments ago there was this downpour of flash-flood conditions.

This month the Confident Woman Workshop kicks off a new summer series “Let God Fight Your Battles: Being Peaceful in the Storm.” I hope you will make plans to join us Mondays either in person or Facebook Live from 7 to 8 pm. This series will focus on God’s battle plan, and the transforming power of worship. We don’t have to face the “storms of life” alone. We can rely on Him to come alongside us and together we will courageously rise above every obstacle when we let God fight our battles.

“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today….The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:13-14 NLT



Cindy Dennis


SAVE THE DATE: Annual CDM Birthday Bash

Pink and Pearls: A Woman of Value and Excellence

“A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman—who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.” Proverbs 31:10

Saturday, August 13, 2016

11:30 am to 2:00 pm

Gum Springs Community Center

8100 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 22306

Where we celebrate everyone's birthday, enjoy lunch together, a special program, giveaways and fun.

Consider wearing pink, accessorize your outfit with pearls!

Bring a friend...

Event is FREE! Registration information will be available in July 18 at for food count and planning purposes.

donate at:

Recently my husband and I took a trip overseas to celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. Spending time day in and day out together was a treat. Usually we are so busy with work and our commitments outside of work, we have only a few moments in a day together. So it felt great to have time to focus on celebrating the deep, rich friendship and love we have for one another and to enjoy the simple pleasures of taking a stroll in the early evening and chat about life while enjoying the leisure schedule that requires not having to rush off to work. Pat and I finished out the week refreshed and renewed with a deeper love and appreciation for one another.

As we were heading back home, I realized that the double blessing was how much my soul was renewed and restored in the process as well. I enjoyed being still and allowing God’s presence to consume me. I loved the amazing prayer time and cherished the opportunity to be still and know that He is God.

This past weekend reminded me of what Psalm 23:1-3 says “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul…” Do you every need restoration? Maybe you find yourself so busy with life that you have only a few moments in a day to spend with God and at times you feel like you are running on spiritual fumes. If we stop long enough to let God speak to us, we’ll discover that not only does our soul need His restoring, but also He wants to replenish our spiritual tank.

The literal translation of “He restores my soul” is “He causes my life to return.” The word “restore” means, “replenish, to return to its original state.” The word “soul” is a very important in the Bible. The Hebrew term “nephesh” can be translated “Soul, life, heart or mind.”

So how does God “restore our soul?” First, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” In Hebrew, “green pastures” literally means “the tender grass.” In sheep term, it’s rich, lush feeding places from which the flock need never move to be satisfied ant these green pastures represent God’s abundant provision. Sometimes His Holy Spirit will have to “make” us lie down in these green pastures. Much like the gauge on the car instrument panel that lets us know when we are running low on fuel and it is time to refuel.

Second, “He leads me beside still waters.” Troubled waters scare sheep; they prefer still waters. So when God leads us “beside” these quiet waters, we can drink freely from the living waters to find restoration and refreshment.

God wants to make you lie down in green pastures and lead you beside still waters. He wants to RESTORE your soul. God is the GOOD shepherd and He wants to GUIDE and PROVIDE for your every need. ALLOW God to let you know when it is time to get your spiritual batteries recharged so you can experience getting your soul restored.

For His Kingdom,

Cindy Dennis



Each Monday night in June will have a special guest talking about a specific outreach focus

Plan to attend the Living Beyond Ourselves special event on Saturday, June 25 with Dr. Patricia Bailey

The event is FREE and includes special workshops and activities

Gum Springs Community Center

8100 Fordson Rd, Alexandria, VA 2230

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